Members Sign Up

Bonus Content for Supporters

Over the years Nomad has become more than just a podcast. As relationships and ideas have developed, a variety of online community spaces have emerged for those who want to offer support and connect with others on a similar path.

In addition to the groups, supporters can also enjoy a stash of bonus episodes, which can be accessed through the Patreon website, the Patreon app, or through your preferred podcast app.

If you’re not quite convinced, then perhaps we can entice you with a Beloved Listener Mug or even a Nomad pen!

* PLEASE NOTE: We’re no longer supporting our own membership platform. The links below will now take you to Patreon, where a large team of trained professionals do all the stressful stuff for us!

Gift membership

Bring the world of Nomad Podcast to your friends and family.

Contemplation and Conversation

£5+ Per Month

Gives you access to:

  • The Beloved Listener Lounge and Enneagram Lounge – where you can safely connect and share with others on a similar path – pet photos welcome!
  • Nomad Contemplations – gentle guidance through stilling, centring and awareness practices each month
  • Therapeutic Reflections – Explores the space where shifting faith and psychotherapy meet, with gentle practices to nurture well-being
  • Nomad Devotionals – an archive of music, songs, readings and reflections
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Nomad Revisited

£9.50+ Per Month
Everything in the lower tier, plus…
  • Nomad Revisited – your monthly invitation to re-examine and agonise over an earlier interview in the light of an evolving faith.
  • A Nomad pen – presumably to write down all the thoughts inspired by Nick and Tim!.

Nomad Bookclub

£14.50+ Per Month
Everything in the lower tiers, plus…
  • Nomad Book Club – where you can discuss all things books, read alongside others and join in on regular zoom meet ups.
  • A whole back catalogue of interviews, free from our pre and post interview chatter, to use for discussion within your own groups.
  • A Beloved Listener Mug which may be used for warm drinks or to lovingly photograph alongside pets, and posted in the Listener Lounge.
  • And access to an exclusive Nomad Mug Store – bringing even more hot drink or photographic possibilities.

Nomad Co-op

£19+ Per Month
  • Finances can be a struggle for many of us and extra income from this tier enables us to provide free access to our bonus episodes and online community to those unable to afford the monthly payment.
  • And of course you get everything from all the other tiers.

Nomad Donors

£23.50+ Per Month
  • Rumour has it, that using a tier system can reduce how much people end up donating. Far be it for us to restrict you in such a thoughtless way! This tier is for people who are willing and able to give more than the suggested amount, boosting the financial support that keeps Nomad running.
  • As well as our gratitude you will also have access to everything else from the other tiers.