New Testament scholar extraordinaire, Tom Wright (how does he write so many books?!) is back on the show. This time Tom’s helping us get our heads round the connection between academics and the local church and what exactly our Christian hope is (we might go to heaven when we die, but we’re certainly not going to stay there!).

Image provided by University of St Andrews. Used with permission.


Surprised by Hope

New Testament for Everyone


“When God made the world, He made humans to reflect His image into the world…it’s an angled mirror with God’s wise stewardship and ordering reflected through humans into the world.”

“Are we actually to believe that the God who made all this and who enabled humans to make and nurture all this will at the last say, ‘Oh well, that was a nice trivial little game. Now we’re just going to be pure spirits and we’re not going to have any of that stuff’?”


N T Wright Page


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