Scheduled updates on 14/01/25 disruption expected 10am-3pm

How do we face change? How do we move through suffering? How do we receive joy? And how do we mature in service? According to psychologist, spiritual director, liturgist and author Alexander Shaia, these four questions are the central questions of our lives. They are universal, sequential, and cyclical, and are recognised by every major religious faith and school of psychology and forms the very heart of Christian belief and practice. In fact, Alexander made the startling discovery that each of the four gospels were written to address one of the four questions. So if we long for transformation, then we need to join the gospel writers in wrestling with these questions. 

After the interview, Nomad hosts Tim Nash, Jemimah McAlpine and David Blower reflect on Alexander’s discoveries and discuss what they might personally take from it.

Interview starts at 15m 30s

Image provided by Alexander Shaia. Used with permission.


Heart and Mind: The Four-Gospel Journey for Radical Transformation


“…when we’re facing an abyss, when all of our tradition seems to be in doubt, when everything has been deconstructed or demolished, the first thing to know is that this has not happened as an indication that God has left us.”

“The deepest suffering is from those family and friends around us that we would most like to support us or to accompany us. And unless someone has really walked this deep journey of transformation, they are not likely to be able to appreciate, applaud, or accompany when we’re on this journey.”


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