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In the canonical gospels, we’re told that Jesus met privately with his disciples to “explain everything”. Ever wondered what those teachings were? Teacher and author Keith Giles believes that the Gospel of Thomas could unveil these private teachings of Jesus. According to Keith, this gospel centres on non-duality and divine oneness, and might hold the key to addressing humanity’s greatest challenges.

Following the interview Nomad hosts Tim Nash and Nick Thorley reflect on the saying of the Gospel of Thomas, and pondered what places they might have in their evolving faith.

Interview starts at 12m 57s

Image used with permission.


Quoir Publishing


The Quantum Sayings of Jesus: Decoding the Lost Gospel of Thomas

Jesus Unexpected: Ending the End Times to Become the Second Coming

Jesus Untangled: Crucifying Our Politics to Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb

Jesus Unbound: Liberating the Word of God from the Bible

Jesus Unveiled: Forsaking Church as We Know It for Ekklesia as God Intended

Jesus Undefeated: Condemning the False Doctrine of Eternal Torment

Jesus Unarmed: How the Prince of Peace Disarms Our Violence

Jesus Unforsaken: Substituting Divine Wrath With Unrelenting


The Hidden Gospel of Thomas: Commentaries on the Non-Dual Sayings of Jesus – William Duffy

The New New Testament – Hal Taussig


“It seems that what Jesus is really wanting his disciples to understand in the Gospel of Thomas is that they are capable of having the exact same sort of epiphanies and realizations about the divine and about who they are; that it isn’t even so much about ‘who is Jesus?’ It’s about ‘who are you?’”

“Jesus is telling us: ‘There is no separation between us and God and no separation between us and one another – that is reality; that’s the way the universe really is.’”

“If the quantum field is everything and everything is the quantum field, a mystic or a theologian might say: ‘Christ is everything and everything is Christ,’ or ‘Christ is all and Christ is in all.’”


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