Alastair McIntosh – Soil, Soul and Spiritual Activism (N98)

It’s quite popular these days to refer to yourself as an activist. But Alastair McIntosh is the real thing. Not only is he a respected academic and writer, but he’s taken on major corporations, and won! Why? Because he believes that much of the modern world is threatening our sense of place, which is so vital for human flourishing.

Image provided by Alastair McIntosh. Used with permission.


Soil and Soul: People versus Corporate Power


“On the one hand, the sense of place and belonging to place is hugely important. On the other hand, we need to embed that in a deeper spiritual sense of belonging where the whole cosmos becomes our home and every place where we tread a step becomes a place we should try to treat as home. So, we make a home out of being exiles where necessary.”

“I think that if we’re going to claim that we’re people of faith, whatever our faith might be – and that that faith is predicated on love – we need to understand that this will be profoundly challenging to our hip-pockets.”

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