Scheduled updates on 14/01/25 disruption expected 10am-3pm

Reflecting on the Lord’s Prayer, theologian, writer, and poet Nicola Slee delves into some of it’s problematic language, and through a process of improvisation reimagines the prayer as one that brings a universal message of hope in a world marred by injustice.

After the interview, Nomad hosts Tim Nash and Anna Robinson reflect on their own journeys with the Lord’s Prayer, and ponder its role in their current spiritual practices.

Interview starts at 17m 28s

Image used with permission


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“I think the Lord’s Prayer is not asking us to forgive and forget these huge systemic injustices. Actually, what we’re asked to do is to see them for what they are and act to change them.”

“I’m not asked to copy exactly what Jesus did or said or believed even. I’m asked to be part of the community of those who try to live out the way of Jesus now.”

“I’m still invested in the project of celebrating a version of Christianity and a version of the bible that is liberating and justice-oriented.”

“If prayer isn’t helping us be more alive and more attentive to God, to ourselves, to others – then it’s not a lot of use.”


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