Carl Medearis worked as a missionary for many years in Beirut, Lebanon and as a result is recognised as an international expert in Muslim-Christian relations. Carl has some fascinating insights into cross-cultural mission from his years of working with Muslims, and he believes these principles are just as relevant in our Western context. I’ll give you a hint, it’s all about Jesus! Definitely an episode worth listening to (even if we do say so ourselves!).
Image provided by Carl Medearis. Used with permission.
Muslims, Christians, and Jesus Participant’s Guide: Gaining Understanding and Building Relationships
Speaking of Jesus: The Art of Not-Evangelism
“I’m not a fan of Christianity. I think religion’s stupid. I think Karl Marx actually was right – it drugs people; it is the ‘opiate of the masses.’ It makes people think that they’re in something that they’re not actually in. So, in that sense, Christianity has been fooling people for 2000 years. That’s not very helpful. So, I’m not a fan of it – that’s true. I’m a fan of Jesus. I follow him.”
“The gospel is a person. It’s not a thing, it’s definitely not a religion, it’s not a set of doctrines, it’s not theology, it’s not the church, it’s not me. It’s Jesus. Jesus himself.”