Alastair Gordon is a professional and accomplished artist who exhibits around the world. He’s also a follower of Jesus. Apparently following Jesus and being a professional artist is a rather tricky thing these days, so we spoke to Ally about this tension and what mission in the world of art might look like.
Image provided by Alastair Gordon. Used with permission.
“Today, to call yourself a sincere religious believer kind of equates you with fundamentalists, radicalists – a bunch of people that artists really, really don’t want to be associated with…for various reasons, it’s kind of problematic to be a professing Christian believer and be a contemporary artist at the same time.”
“The temptation can be that you write a song about how the world’s broken and at the last verse you slip in something about how great heaven’s gonna be – and it’s all gonna be okay in the end. And the lament’s kind of lost.”