Frustrated at the lack of literature on faith deconstruction, Olivia Jackson carried out her own research as she sought to provide hope and solidarity to others on a similar journey. Here she talks about her own story, alongside the impact of receiving hundreds of questionnaires and listening to 140 individual experiences in order to draw together ‘a collective memoir of deconstructing faith‘.
Following the interview, Nomad hosts Tim Nash and Joy Brooks consider their own experiences and how connecting with the wider story affects their view of deconstruction.
Interview starts at 16m 13s
(Un)Certain: A Collective Memoir of Deconstructing Faith
“I would find it very difficult to pin down now what it is that I actually believe. The cast iron certainties before have definitely gone.”
“I’ve certainly been called a ‘heretic.’ That’s a label I’ll wear quite gladly, really…the original meaning of the word ‘heretic’ – from the original Greek of someone who asks questions – well, that’s fine by me.”
“If I can have compassion for you and why you did the things you did, maybe I can have compassion for myself as well.”
“So often things like love, and peace, and freedom are twisted into control, and repression, and shame.”
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