Scheduled updates on 14/01/25 disruption expected 10am-3pm

Dave Tomlinson joins us to reflect on his faith journey and how his evolving understanding of God has profoundly reshaped his approach to prayer. He explores the idea that prayer is for everyone, regardless of belief, advocating for the “democratisation” of prayer and sacraments. For Dave, these spiritual practices aren’t confined to religious rituals but can be found in everyday moments, accessible to all. He invites us to reconsider the role of prayer in our lives, as a universal expression of connection and reflection.

After the interview Nomad hosts Tim Nash and Nick Thorley reflect on Dave’s understanding of prayer, and wonder if it has a place in their own evolving faith.

Interview starts at 14m 50s

Image used with permission


OMG!: A Bad Christian’s Book of Prayers

Black Sheep and Prodigals: An Antidote to Black and White Religion

The Bad Christian’s Manifesto: Reinventing God (and other modest proposals)

How to be a Bad Christian: … And a better human being


“God is hidden in the depths of the world and in the depths of our own humanity.”

“It’s important to get away from the niceties of what praying means in a religious tradition and take it right back to…the expression of gut being.”

“Prayer belongs to everybody. And I’m only saying that because I believe God belongs to everybody.”

“Prayer is a way of putting our own selves, our own energy into this tangled web of life.”


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  1. I really enjoyed this. Dave’s faith journey and his description of it, referring to the work of the philosopher Paul Ricouer, made a lot of sense to me as I thought about my own situation.

    I’ve never read anything by Ricouer, where is a good place to start?

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