Elaine Storkey & Rowan Williams – Liberation (N160)

If you’re one of our Patreon or PayPal supporters, then you’ll already be familiar with our Nomad Devotionals. Every month we ask a guest to reflect on a topic, and then we unpack it with music, song, readings, and prayers.

For Advent we thought we produce a four-part Devotional and make it available to everyone. So for the next four Sundays you can expect a reflection from philosopher and theologian Elaine Storkey, and the former archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams will be contributing the readings, along with Kate Blower who will be reading the magnificat in the first Devotional. And of course Nomad’s David Benjamin Blower will be bringing the music and songs. What more could you ask for this Christmas?!

This first devotional reflects on the idea of liberation.

Images provided by SPCK and Magdalene College. Used with permission.


“Mary isn’t simply rejoicing because God has looked kindly upon her even though she is nobody, not even because she is a woman […] she’s rejoicing because God’s favour speaks into the humiliation that she and her people are enduring.”

“Mary knows that God is giving us a vision of something very different. What the Magnificat describes is nothing less than a revolution, and is ushered in by the Incarnation — God becoming one of us.”

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